Company Details

Company Details

MiraMundo Travel SAS was established in 2018 and 100% owned by the Dutch Rhonda Blokhuis and is registered with the Colombian Chamber of Commerce in Medellin.

Business nameRazón socialMiraMundo Travel SAS
Tax numberNIT (Número de Identificación Tributaria)901210589-5
Commercial registration numberMatrícula mercantil número21-626030-12
Single Tax RegistryRegistro Único Tributario (RUT)2162603012

We are a proud member of Acotur, Asociación Colombiana de Turismo Responsable, standing for responsible tourism.

We are a proud member of the Holland House Colombia, the Chamber of Commerce that connects Dutch and Colombian companies. Link to the member page.

MiraMundo Travel SAS is listed at the official tourist register, Registro Nacional de Turismo (RNT) with number: 163832

You can check this data on the website of the Medellin Chamber of Commerce website